A personalized, comprehensive approach to
family health care that provides real results.
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A personalized, comprehensive approach to
family health care that provides real results.
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Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health is a multidisciplinary health clinic offering top quality family chiropractic and wellness services including naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, child psychology and more. As one of the only health clinics in Oakville offering a full slate of natural health, chiropractic and massage therapy services, the clinicians at Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health are uniquely equipped to provide families the building blocks for healthy lives. When you visit our clinic, you get a passionate team of health professionals with an honest, positive and thorough approach that produces real results.
Natural health services provided at Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic include:
"I have seen dozens of other chiropractors, massage therapists, doctors and specialists, and not one of them have displayed the unique set of skills that Dr. Lemay practices."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic
"Oakville family chiropractic and massage provides me reliable and repeatable relief from a chronic pain condition without the use of drugs."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic
"Dr. Lemay has been the most effective healing arts practitioner that I have had in my life over the past 20 years."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic
"I do not hesitate to travel from Toronto... I have found no other wellness clinic, doctor or therapist who can provide the same level of relief for my chronic pain."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic
"Without access to Dr. Lemay's unique and cross-disciplinary set of skills I would be leading a much diminished life."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health clinic
"Without doubt the most effective diagnostician and healing arts practitioner that I have ever met, regardless of discipline."
Oakville Chiropractic & Family Health
IBS is the common gastro-intestinal diagnosis and affects 20% of Canadians Symptoms include: gas, bloating, altered bowel movements, pain, diarrhea and/or constipation But did you know that symptoms of IBS are very similar to those experienced by individuals with small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) In fact, studies show that up to 50% of patients who eradicated bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine no longer met the Rome criteria for IBS! SIBO is diagnosed by a specialized breath test called a lactulose or glucose breath test. […]
FACT: Losing just 3-5% of your weight has major health benefits and reduces chronic pain! Healthcare experts agree that losing weight and managing a healthy body mass index (BMI) can be an excellent strategy to relieve partial or complete back pain. This occurs because – as the individual loses weight there is a decrease in the load/pressure on the spine. Weight loss can also help prevent joint strain (another potential cause of pain). In addition, carrying excessive weight is a major risk factor – linked with conditions such […]
Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism and the Prevalence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis An autoimmune disorder is characterized as a malfunction of the immune system where the body produces antibodies that attack the body’s own cells and tissues – the thyroid gland being the most commonly affected organ. Although the reasons for this dysfunction are complex, we understand that many environmental and endogenous factors are associated with autoimmunity of the thyroid. Hashimoto’s vs Graves’ disease: Both Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are autoimmune disorders of the thyroid. They are both conditions where the immune system […]
Trust Your Gut! The Gut microbiome includes all the microorganisms that inhabit our digestive tract – that’s about 100 trillion bacteria! New research continues to demonstrate the powerful role of the microbiome within the digestive tract lining. We now understand that the digestive tract is actually the unifying or centre point of the nervous, immune and hormonal systems. It is also, in large part, responsible for the balance of neurotransmitters that control emotion and mood regulation. Many people associate a healthy microbiome as a key factor to healthy digestion and […]
GERD or gastro-esophageal reflux disorder is a very common condition affecting up to 10% of Canadians on a daily basis. Although more common in adults over 40 – it can occur at any age, and given the endless commercials for antacids on TV – it’s likely that most people are aware that the condition exists. Typically symptoms include heartburn and regurgitation of stomach contents but can also include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, sore throat, sinus issues, ear infections and more. In fact sometimes people don’t even experience heartburn (know as silent […]
Let me start by saying that I’m not a proponent of the word DIET. It suggests a transient period of time where someone attempts to achieve a particular goal only to return to old habits shortly down the road. Lately, however, I’ve been getting a lot of questions on the ketogenic diet – and more specifically if it works equally well for women and men. Keto is definitely NOT just another fad “diet”. In fact, it has been used by doctors to treat patients with serious illnesses (successfully may […]
Many people who bring up mental health concerns to their medical doctor get a referral to see a psychiatrist. But did you know that naturopathic doctors can also help you with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression? When it comes to mental wellness, psychiatry and naturopathic medicine actually work really well together. Read on to find out why. A naturopath can determine any deficiencies It seems like in some cases, a mental health condition is simply a deficiency of a certain nutrient or nutrients. For example, a deficiency […]
Low self-esteem isn’t something you’re born with. People develop low self-esteem for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the cause of poor self-image, it’s something we’ve come to believe about ourselves. Maybe you had critical parents or another family member who convinced you that you weren’t “good enough”. Perhaps you are a survivor of trauma and you are feeling weak or less than. No matter what caused you to feel this way, there are ways to boost your confidence and help you feel better about yourself. When it comes to […]
A panic attack can come on suddenly and feel scary. You might feel dizzy, sweaty, terrified and completely helpless. Your heart is racing and you’re fearful of what’s happening to you. You wonder if it will ever end and if you’re ever going to get back to “normal.” So what do you do when you feeling like you’re losing control? It seems like there’s no easy answer to this question, but there are things that you can do to help yourself get through a panic attack. Panic attacks are stressful, […]
If you don’t have anxiety, it might be difficult to truly understand how it feels. Anxiety impacts every person differently. One person might have racing thoughts, another person may experience headaches and yet another individual could have heart palpitations. Regardless of how anxiety impacts a person, it’s unpleasant at best. Having an anxious partner can be challenging and sometimes exhausting. It’s important to be empathetic towards your partner. Anxiety is different from stress; it is a mental health issue, but it can also impact a person’s physical health. Some people feel […]
Before we talk about the best way to deal with anger, let’s talk about the worst way to deal with anger: letting anger control you. Anger is an intense (sometimes overwhelming) emotion that can take over if we’re not mindful of it. Some people struggle with anger issues and have a difficult time controlling their tempers. In this instance, intervention is needed. How do you know if anger is controlling you rather than you having the upper hand? Let’s talk about anger management! When anger is out of control, it […]
If you think you may be experiencing depression, book an appointment with Dr. Corina Kibsey ND today. Infographic credit: BetterHelp.com If you suspect your spouse may be experiencing high-functioning depression, marriage counselling could be helpful. For more information, please have a look at this link.
If you think you may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder and would like to discuss it further, book in with Dr. Corina Kibsey, N.D. If you would like to read more about different types of depression, please have a look at BetterHelp’s free advice resource here. If you or your partner are suffering from SAD, couples counselling can help. Find out more here.
New year, new you. Maybe you’ve decided that 2018 is the year you’re finally going to take your health seriously. So you signed up for a gym, revamped your diet, and are having a nice healthy smoothie for breakfast every morning. You packed that smoothie full of leafy greens and berries for antioxidants. Maybe you have some coconut milk in there to make sure you get healthy fats. You might add some nut butter for its protein content. Perhaps you even threw some greens powder or turmeric in there. Great job! […]
Spoiler alert: the answer isn’t having green smoothies and salads for every meal. If you can do that, good for you! But that’s not a realistic option for most people, including me! With all kinds of yummy hors d’oeuvres, appetizers and desserts being offered, you’re going to need some help having a healthy holiday season. I believe in the mantra “everything in moderation”, except the foods that make you sick. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a bit of junk food here and there, as long as it’s […]
Winter is coming. Some of us could tell you that without seeing any snow or looking at a calendar. Because we can feel it in our skin. If you suffer from dry skin in winter, you know exactly what I’m talking about. As soon as the dry weather hits, your skin starts to get tight, rough, red, and flaky. I happen to be in the dry skin club myself, so I know what you’re going through. Dry skin can not only be uncomfortable, but also embarrassing. It can even interfere […]
We’ve all heard how good running can be for you. Running helps to lose weight, prevent disease, lower stress, strengthen joints, manage blood pressure… the list goes on and on. But there’s a suprising problem you may be experiencing if you’re a long distance runner. It’s called leaky gut. I know, it sounds gross, but if you’re a runner then it’s something to keep in mind. How do you know if you have a leaky gut? Read on to find out common symptoms and how to treat it. What is leaky […]
Having trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. A Canadian Community Health Survey revealed that 21% of the population has trouble sleeping some of the time. 9% said they have trouble most of the time. And 5% said all of the time. That’s more than a third of our nation having some form of sleeping issue. That’s huge. Let’s talk about common causes of sleeplessness as well as some natural insomnia treatments so we can get you sleeping like a boss! Causes of insomnia There are many different factors that contribute to […]
Business Insider recently published an article listing the most stressful jobs in America. This information comes from the Occupational Information Network, which is a database maintained by the US Department of Labor. This database contains a log of almost 900 different jobs! “Stress tolerance” is a score from 0 to 100 given to a job. It is defined as “how frequently workers must accept criticism and deal with high stress on the job”. Therefore, the higher the score, the more stressful that job is perceived to be. The stressful jobs […]
Whenever I suggest that a patient eliminates dairy from their diet, their response is always the same. “But how do I make sure I’m getting enough calcium if I’m not having dairy?” Fair question. We see ads all the time telling us we need milk in order to have strong bones. But that may not necessarily be true. Let’s talk about the problem with dairy, the importance of calcium, and some dairy-free calcium sources. The problem with dairy For many people, the issue with dairy is the fact that it contains lactose. […]
Packing light isn’t always easy. Deciding which clothes, shoes, and toiletries to take with you on vacation is difficult enough. When it comes to supplements, how can you possibly choose which ones you’re going to need while you’re away? As a local naturopath in Oakville, I’ve tried to take the guesswork out of it for you! Check out this list of health products to bring with you to your next tropical destination. Sunscreen I’m sure you were already packing this for your vacation anyways, right? Good job! You might want to look […]
Ask any Canadian how they feel about winter and you’re likely to get a negative response. Not only do we have to deal with the freezing cold, but there is also a serious lack of sunlight. Seasonal affective disorder, which we aptly call “SAD” for short, affects 2-3% of the Ontario population. The “winter blues” are a less severe form of SAD, which are present in 15% of the province. Read on to find out how to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder. What causes Seasonal Affective Disorder? There is a definite […]
By now I’m sure you know me as a naturopathic doctor in Oakville who is passionate about health and wellness. But what you may not know is that I am also a total bookworm. Here is a list of health and wellness books (both new and old) that I have read and recommend to patients on a regular basis. It’s the start of a new year, so if you are currently working your way through your 2017 reading list, you’ll probably want to include some of these. 6 Health & Wellness […]
You work hard for your money. You make plans for your paychecks, whether you want to spend them right away or save for a later purchase. But money may not be the only thing you earn at your job. What about health benefits? Do you plan for those in the same way? If you’re like most Canadians, the answer is probably ‘no’. It’s important to remember that you’ve earned these benefits, and you might as well claim them while you can. Many extended health benefits now cover naturopathic medicine! CBC […]
Halloween can be a fun and exciting time for kids. These safety tips for parents, children and homeowners will help keep everyone safe and happy this Halloween. Exercise caution when using masks. Masks make it hard for children to see what’s around them, including cars. Try a hypoallergenic non-toxic make-up kit instead. Make or buy costumes in light-coloured material. Place strips of reflective tape on the back and front of costumes, so that drivers can better see your child. Purchasing glow necklaces at the dollar store can […]
Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so why not make the most of it? Adding 10 new morning routine habits all at once can be a little much. So why not just add one or two of these and see how it makes you feel? Even if you’re like me and not a morning person, once you’re up and doing things you’ll start to wake up. It feels great to spend the first few hours of your day productively! 1. Wake up early Like I […]
Michael Phelps turned a lot of heads when he made his big return to the Olympic stage last week. And not just because of his incredible swimming skills. He stepped up to the pool and removed his coat, only to reveal strange red circles all over his back and shoulders. So what was that all about? Traditional Chinese Medicine actually uses a treatment called cupping, which creates those circular marks. Phelps wasn’t the only one who showed up to the Olympics with cupping marks. Swimmers from other countries as well […]
Here’s the scenario: You are experiencing some unpleasant symptoms, so you make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor (good job!). Your ND makes you an individualized treatment plan that is going to target your specific health condition. So you go to the local health food store. You stock up on all the supplements your naturopath recommended. You take them home and put them in your cupboard or your fridge, and the bottles just sit there. And sit there. And sit there. Every now and then you see one of the bottles […]
Designing a healthy dinner plate is both an art and a science. The average dinner in North America has improper portions and usually has the focus on the wrong part of the meal. For example, a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs might have some protein and vegetables in the sauce, but the star of this dish is the pasta, which is of course very carb-heavy AND high on the glycemic index. For another example, let’s take a look at your classic steak and potato dinner. This tends to consist of […]
Allergy season is upon us, and it ain’t pretty. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, headaches, chest tightness… the list of symptoms goes on and on. You can even tell that certain people suffer from this condition by the presence of “allergic shiners”, which are dark circles that appear under the eyes due to nasal and sinus congestion. Allergies happen when your immune system is being a drama queen by majorly overreacting to a normal substance. Your body labels an innocent substance as an invader. This causes your […]
Low back pain can be a very debilitating condition. Chronic symptoms of stiffness, achy pain, and fatigue have been reported by athletes and the general population alike. Attempts to control symptoms related to low back pain range from various physical treatments such as chiropractic, massage therapy, and physiotherapy, as well as pain relief products including Voltaren and other topical treatments. Although effectiveness has been demonstrated with these therapies and pain relief products, benefits seem to be transient at best. Is the problem the therapy itself or the approach? Massage therapy […]
Are you addicted to sugar? Without even looking at your diet, I can say that the answer is probably yes. In this day and age, you’d have a hard time finding any food product without some kind of added sugar or sweetener in it. So unless you are making a conscious effort to avoid added sugar, chances are you’re having too much of it. The American Heart Association recommends the following: 6 tsp of added sugar daily for women 9 tsp of added sugar daily for men The reality? On average, […]
I’m going to be honest with you. Cold and flu season is almost ALWAYS here in Canada. It runs from November all the way until April! Why is there a season for cold and flu anyways? It all has to do with being indoors. It gets cold, and people go out less and stay inside more. This means that people are in closer contact with each other and infection spreads very easily from person to person and surface to surface. Read on to find out more information about colds and […]
By James Sreblowski Massage Therapy is the physical manipulation of soft tissue and joints within the body. Research suggests it is effective in; the promotion of healing for sports injuries and motor vehicle accidents, for suppressing anxiety and depressive type symptoms, and for general maintenance, among many other benefits. Therapists use several working tools and techniques to promote these benefits. Such techniques include effleurage, petrissage, muscle stripping, frictions, and stretching. Furthermore, tools including and not limited to; hot and (or) cold hydrotherapy, acupuncture (if certified), paraffin wax, and kinesiology tape […]
We’ve all felt it. That heavy-lidded, heavy-headed, dragging-your-feet feeling. Sometimes we know we just need to take a day to rest or get some extra sleep. But here’s the catch: we have responsibilities. We need to go to class or go to work or take care of the kids. So what do we do? We grab some coffee or a Red Bull and go about our day. We get stuff done! Everything is great… and then the crash hits. Coming down from a caffeine and/or sugar high makes you feel […]
Using a lacrosse ball for shoulder issues such as rotator cuff tendonitis, bicep tendonitis, frozen shoulder and impingement injuries.
Using a lacrosse ball to effectively isolate the areas causing sciatica.
Using a lacrosse ball while in a seated position to offset the negative effects. Everyone can benefit from it! Try to do this while at the office, on the plane or even on long car rides but safety first!!
Ball Wall Exercise while standing
Have you heard of the story of the three little bears – one was too hard, one was too soft and one was just right. Here is some vital information to find that mattress that is right for you. In my practice, I get the question at least once or twice a week – What‘s a good mattress?
The main purpose of a pillow is to maintain the curvature in your neck whether you are on your back or side. The problem arises when most people don’t stay in one position throughout the night and not everyone is built the same. There are several styles of pillows out there such as down filled, buckwheat filled, orthopaedic contouring and memory foam.
Everyone who feels adjusting or “cracking” their neck is good for them is wrong. This can become habit forming and add to the frequency of adjusting. If someone feels the need to do this, it indicates that there is an underlying problem. This habit can also increase your chances of having a stroke by making the neck hyper mobility.
Do not let the fluffy stuff fool you!! Snow shovelling can be more dangerous than any other activity around your house.